Tulip mania...and some "happy" habits.

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Tulip mania...and some "happy" habits.

The local markets are overflowing with buckets and buckets of colourful Tulips.
Priced so low, that they practically hop into my shopping basket...

Even after Tulips have fully blown open they are quite lovely.

One can buys masses of these or settle for a bunch as I have done here.
It depends on your budget, how big your vases may be and how many bouquets you want to display in your home.

Flowers in the home have always been a prominent accent in our home decor.

Personally I feel it essential that one has something of natural beauty in the home
 it helps keep ones spirits up...

it can be a single stem
some woody branches
a fern frond
plants or orchids
a bowl of lemons
pine cones

These natural adornments are particularly helpful for our long rainy winter season.
The season here where sunshine is rationed and the gloom can be oppressing...
for some it is debilitating and depressing.

I look for "guaranteed mood lifters"
 like flowers that add elegance and ambiance.
Scented Candles are another one of my essentials for the home.
They do not need to be the posh Diptyque or Cire Trudon brands
many scented candles are affordable and readily available.

I find that it is the "little things" make our everyday life richer.

linen tea towels
triple milled soaps
quality chocolate
soft cashmere sweaters and wraps
cozy socks
plush robes
a hot cup of coffee
a great fitting pair of jeans
framed family photos
pretty china cups and saucers
emollient hand lotion
bath salts
fluffy white towels

Those are a few of my favourite things...

I also like to keep our home tidy
free of clutter
pleasing to the eye.

I am also a big fan of lists. 
Which help to motivate me and keep me up to date on things that need to get done.

I love using "rolling ball" ink pens 
better still, but more expensive, a beautiful fountain pen.
Writing feels effortless using these inky writing implements.
Great for cards, grocery lists and letters.

I keep stocked in our writing desk a variety of pretty cards and stamps.
I buy them in bulk when they are on sale.
I look for the most attractive stamps from the post office.
Lately they have had floral stamps which are simply lovely.
Why opt for boring when one can have beautiful for the same price?

Friends gave us an arts and crafts copper letter opener one year for Christmas. 
I use it for every bill and letter that we receive...
it slices envelopes open swiftly and evenly
a bit of affordable luxury that I enjoy.

Surrounding oneself with little affordable luxuries
things that make one feel good
are well worth the time and effort it takes.

Getting in tune to what "small things" that you can cultivate...
things that may add to your daily round. 
Those that augment and beautify your environment 
it is an exercise worth the time...
listen to your heart
make notes.

You'll soon discover which things make your heart soar 
household habits that make you smile...
perhaps they will change the way you feel about a chore...
like ironing.

Buying some lavender linen spray
use a pretty floral ironing board pad.

It is so much more satisfying
drinking sparkling water out of a vintage etched goblet.

Imagine how pretty it would be
storing your cosmetics or perfumes on a silver tray.

What do you like?
Do you have any tips for cultivating beauty in your home?

Wishing you a wonderful, rich and bountiful weekend.


Thus articles Tulip mania...and some "happy" habits.

that is all articles Tulip mania...and some "happy" habits. This time, hopefully can provide benefits to you all. Okay, see you in another article post.

You are now reading the article Tulip mania...and some "happy" habits. the link address https://letsexploretravels.blogspot.com/2017/05/tulip-maniaand-some-happy-habits.html

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